Digital Health Summit VIC 2024
DATE: Thursday August 15th, 2024
location: Zinc Federation Square, Melbourne, VIC
Connecting digital health leaders & sharing valuable insights
The availability and accessibility of healthcare services and goods for all Australians can be improved with the use of digital health methods. There has been a substantial investment in health technologies in recent years, improving outcomes for both the patient and the organisation.
The Digital Health Summit will bring together leaders from all areas of healthcare, providing invaluable insights into the growth of digital health. Discussion will focus on key issues, such as the business case for digital health, interoperability, data integrity and artificial intelligence.
Event Speakers
Honorary Data Scientist, Data Analytics Research and Evaluation (DARE) Centre
Austin Health

Key Topics On The Day
Building, implementing & advancing digital health initiatives for overall organisational uplift & Improved patient experience
The next phase of interoperability - Change resilience strategies for unifying healthcare data
Modernising & securing digital health infrastructure to improve accessibility, visibility & consistency
Assessing the practical impact of AI on practitioners, processes & patient care
Who Should Attend
- Chief Digital Officers
- Chief Information Officers
- Heads of IT
- Heads of Innovation
- Heads of Technology
- Heads of Data
Public health organisations
Private health organisations
Other healthcare providers