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Local Government Technology Summit VIC 2023

DATE: thursday NOVEMBER 9TH, 2023

location: the glasshouse, melbourne, VIC

Event Overview

This summit will bring together senior technology leaders from within the Victorian Local Government to discuss how to align digital services to better support local communities.

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Digital change is shifting citizens expectations of their Local Government

Local Governments across Australia are undergoing enormous digital change. With ever-growing demands stemming from community expectations, aligning their IT services with user-centric experience has become a critical priority.                              

Join us for a strategic discussion on how Councils can align their IT strategies with wider business objectives, battle cyber security threats and transform core IT infrastructure to improve service delivery and citizen outcomes.

Event Speakers

Clint Allsop

Chief Information Officer

City of Casey

Daniela Mazzone

Chief Customer & Transformation Officer

City of Stonnington

Julian Adler

Chief Information Officer

Bayside City Council

Sarah Renner

Director Customer & Corporate Services

City of Whittlesea

Helen Havercroft

Director Customer & Community

Alpine Shire Council

Siobhan Sullivan

Executive Manager Transformation

Whitehorse City Council

Dr Tim Harrison

Chief Executive Officer

Ararat Rural City Council

David Jackson

Chief Information Officer

Moorabool Shire Council

Key Topics On The Day

Aligning Local Government IT strategies to support wider business objectives

Driving change & transformation across the entire organisation

Evolving core IT Infrastructure to support a digital centric council

Building a local government cyber-security stronghold

Who Should Attend

Join our Forefront Digital Community on LinkedIn. A community for senior digital transformation & IT leaders to connect online. Here you can keep updated on future events in this space.
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Local Government

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